Friday, July 4, 2008

Free Beer Blues

Ok, don't get me wrong, I love free beer. I even enjoy my own free beer when I get to share it with others. That's the fun of beer, it's a social drink. I especially enjoy the tours when I get to share our beer with newcomers. That being said, I'm getting tired of the constant free beer requests "All we want is a few kegs, it'll be good publicity for you" is the constant refrain. Never mind the fact that kegs are a losing proposition from the git go with as much as a 60% markup by the time the retailer buys them. And never mind the fact that my volume constantly limits my inventory and I have to brew like a fiend to keep up with even low level sales. Apparently, I have a beer and money tree growing in the back of the brewery. The local non profits cry out their support for local breweries but never buy, just beg, for beer. Summer and not December is apparently the giving season, as every organization under the son rallies the faithful and requests, you got it-free beer.

Ok I'm done bitchin' about the free beer requests. And if you ever see me, I promise I'll buy you a beer. Or at least give you some of mine.